Childrens' E-Books

ID Name Price  
DL-CB01 Universal Chi Kids, Level 1, Ages 5-7
Smiling Chi (energy) Kung (work) has its roots in ancient *Taoist medicine and has been used in China for more than 5000 years. Taoist meditation may be used as a means to understand the true human potential and connect with, feel and ultimately control the systems of the body. Once mastered, the practitioner may then utilize the awesome power of the mind to attain physical health and emotional balance, EVEN IF THEY ARE 5 YEARS OLD!
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DL-CB02 Universal Chi Kids, Level 2, Ages 7-9
Welcome back to the Chi Kids line of products designed to teach kids and their grown ups the healing art of Chi Kung. As we learned in Level I, Chi (energy) Kung (work) has its roots in ancient Taoist medicine and has been used in China for more than 5000 years. In Level II, you and your family will learn “Postures” and add them to
your practice.

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